I am a doctor of Physical Therapy and specialize in bowel and bladder dysfunctions in adults and children. I am so happy Genevieve came out with this product. The strains of good bacteria in this align with the most evidence supported research out there. It also includes more strains overall than most pediatric probiotics, which is also more supported in research. I started my 4.5 year old on this, and I admit I give my 2 year old a drop or 2, but they both seem to take it fine. Sometimes my 4 year old hesitates and says it has a flavor he doesn't appreciate, but he will happily eat it on some applesauce for example. My suggestion though, start with just a few drops as a dosage and work up to the full dose over a week or 2 since the GI system always prefers gradual changes. This product is great to consider for improving immune health and symptoms related to constipation! And no, Genevieve doesn't know me and I certainly was not paid to write this review!