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For mamas struggling with excessive hair loss…

Natural Living Expert Reveals a NEW, Holistic Approach to Restore and Renew Your Hair at the Root Level!

Help Your Hair THRIVE With the Right Nutrition, Hormonal Balance & Stress Reduction Strategies that work! Unlock Your Hair’s GROWTH PHASE and stop the SHEDDING PHASE, Strengthen the Hair Shaft to reduce Breakage, Stimulate the Scalp to Address Receding Hairlines, And Stop the Clumps of Hair Falling Out WITHOUT Toxic Medications and Topical Treatments or Expensive Supplementation.

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Hormone Imbalance Can Cause Major Hair Loss… and It’s Not Your Fault, Mama!

Here’s some warning signs of what’s happening below the surface of your hair loss, and these could be signs of more losses ahead if something doesn’t change…

Are your menstrual cycles erratic or hard? 

Do you experience cramps, bloating, headaches, acne, PMS regularly? Have you stopped menstruating altogether (and it's not due to breastfeeding) or your cycles are too long or too short? You're dealing with a hormonal imbalance that’s contributing to hair loss.

Do you have chronic fatigue?

This may be sign of adrenal issues. Symptoms to keep an eye on are dips in blood sugar, increased food sensitivities, reactions to caffeine, challenges falling asleep, sensitivity to light, or an unexpected surge of energy when the sun goes down. These might be a big culprit of your hair loss.

Do you have a thyroid imbalance?

This could be contributing to your hair loss. Symptoms to watch out for include constipation, body aches, constantly feeling cold, a persistent flu-like feeling, dry skin, and ongoing fatigue. Other culprits like iron deficiency can also be silently leading to hair loss.

Do you get shaky between meals or have powerful cravings?

This could be contributing to your hair loss. Erratic blood sugar swings and insulin resistance can definitely contribute to hair loss! By balancing your blood sugar levels and restoring insulin sensitivity, you will feel better, look better and improve your hormonal balance. All of this supports your hair to lock back into the hair growth cycle.

Are you a woman between the ages of 25-75?

If you've been through the journey of pregnancy, postpartum, perimenopause, post menopausal, or if you're currently juggling all the demands of motherhood – being able to recognize these warning signs is crucial to your hair and your overall health.

It's time to tune into your body's whispers.

The Mama Natural Hair Rescue Program

Take Control of Your Hair Loss By Addressing the Root Cause…

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Price: $60

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The Mama Natural Hair Rescue Program

4.8 / 5 based on 834 reviews

5 On-Demand Video Modules that Will Take You Through Our Groundbreaking 3 Prong Approach to Addressing Persistent, Excessive Hair Loss

30 Day “Boot Camp” Email Series that Will Give You Bite-Sized Daily Challenges to Implement the Lifestyle Changes that Can Bring Your Hair Back Into the GROWTH PHASE

Detailed Nutritional Guidance so You Know Exactly What to Eat to Support Healthy Hair

Simple Hormonal “Hacks” that Will Turn Off the Signals of Stress that Drive Hair Loss

Instructions on Proper Hair Care to Support Long-term Healthy Hair

Short Modules, Easy Checklists & Printables for quick implementation for Busy Mamas!

30-day no-questions asked money back guarantee

Lifetime access to all the materials – download, print and learn at your own pace

6 BONUS GIFTS (Total Value $) including

14 Day Menu Plan for Hair Growth

Cookbook: 101 Recipes to Support Hair Growth

DIY Hair Growth Mask Recipes

Hair Care Do’s & Don’ts

Non-Toxic Personal Care Products & Home Products

ONLY $60

Restore Your Hair and Reclaim Your Confidence

Is Your “Mama Hair” Thinning, Fading or Falling Out? Here’s How to Address the Root Cause Of Hair Loss and Thinning…

Ever hear the old wives tale, "gain a child, lose a tooth"?

It might be old school, but it echoes a reality.

Motherhood makes demands on your body. And your beautiful mane of hair might bear the brunt of it.

Hair loss can sneak up on you as early as three months postpartum and might linger on through your childbearing years.

As you have more babies, experience hormonal shifts, lose sleep, or experience some stress piling up from the demands of motherhood… all these further intensify your hair loss.

Because it feels so frustrating, discouraging and even hopeless.

I get it. When I was 9 months postpartum I watched CLUMPS of my hair fall out every day.

As my hair slipped through my fingers and down the drain, I started to panic… I felt so powerless.

How could this be happening?

Here I was an overwhelmed mom of two very young children navigating sleepless nights and endless responsibilities.

The weight of the world was on my shoulders. Now my hair, too?

It was a gut wrenching time, to say the least. But it was also a revelation.

After countless hours of research and trial and error, I discovered an essential truth that changed everything….

Our outer appearance – especially our hair – mirrors our internal nourishment.

That struck me like a lightning bolt because…

I realized that my hair loss was a message from my body. It was telling me that something deeper needed some SERIOUS support.

Because, after all, our hair (nails and skin, too!) will be one of the first places our body will show us we need help. That’s because they’re dispensable and not necessary for life like our internal organs, cells, etc.

So I made some strategic changes to my diet, supported my hormones, found simple ways to deal with stress and added in a few specific hair-focused nutrients and herbs.

And after a few months… OMG!! I couldn’t believe what I saw in the mirror. I almost cried.

My hair had finally returned.      

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It was like a chia pet after consistent watering, I was sprouting full, thick locks of hair again!

My mom said my hair even looked thicker now than before all my hair loss started!

I went back to some old pictures and sure enough… Mom was right.

If you’re struggling with hair loss or thinning and you’ve tried everything.

If you’re feeling depressed, hopeless or like throwing in the towel, listen up…

You CAN transform your hair.

Stick with me here and I’d love to show you how…

Hair Loss is Not the Real Problem, It’s Only a Symptom

The truth is, hair loss and regrowth is a complex process. It involves addressing nutrient deficiencies, optimizing collagen production, balancing those pesky hormones and managing lifestyle factors.

But, the good news is… our approach is easy. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on sophisticated hormone testing or nutritional panels, we will help you balance your body from the inside out, resulting in beautiful, luscious locks!

Don’t Let These Common Myths Accelerate Your Hair Loss

I hear you, mama. You're worried about hair loss and it's understandable. You might believe that it's just genetic or that it's an inevitable part of aging or motherhood. But mama, I'm here to tell you it's not! These are some of the biggest myths that hold women back when it comes to hair loss…

"There's nothing I can do about my hair loss."

Not true! While hair loss can feel disheartening, it's a symptom, not a sentence. With the right nutrients, hormonal support, and lifestyle changes, you can significantly influence your hair.

"Hair loss is genetic… my mom lost her hair, so I will too."

While genetics do play a role in hair loss (usually in males!), it's not the whole story. Through epigenetics, we know that our lifestyle choices can significantly influence our genetic predispositions. Genetics are like loaded guns but we don’t have to pull the trigger to set them in motion!

"Hair loss is inevitable with age or motherhood."

"Hair loss is inevitable with age or motherhood."

This is a common misconception. Hair loss is not an inevitable part of aging or motherhood. In fact, my hair is better than it was in my 20’s! Hair loss is a sign that your body needs extra support, which can be addressed with the right nutrients and lifestyle changes.

Take Control of Your Hair Loss By Addressing the Root Cause – Introducing The Mama Natural Hair Rescue Course

Take Control of Your Hair Loss By Addressing the Root Cause – Introducing The Mama Natural Hair Rescue Course

Take Control of Your Hair Loss By Addressing the Root Cause – Introducing The Mama Natural Hair Rescue Course

My personal hair loss and regrowth journey led me to create this Hair Rescue Course so other women like you don’t have to suffer with chronic hair loss or thinning.

The truth is….

When you address hair loss at the root cause – from the inside out – you can experience a hair transformation like never before. 

I’ve fixed my thinning hair and turned it around TWICE, and helped hundreds of other women do the same.

You can do this.

The key is using food as medicine, supporting your hormones with targeted herbs, nutrients and some simple lifestyle changes.

And this course shows you exactly how to do it.

And this course shows you exactly how to do it.

So you can stop wasting time on expensive treatments and get on the direct path to total hair transformation.

If your goal is to regrow and restore your hair, then consider this your one-stop-shop roadmap.

But this is about so much more than hair.

But this is about so much more than hair.

This is an opportunity to regain your confidence and feel like your old self again!

And when you make the changes to restore your hair at the root cause – your entire body will thank you. That’s because you’re balancing the nutrients that your body needs, and nourishing your entire body from the inside out…

Women often notice additional benefits like….

• Better sleep and more energy – because your body is finally nourished again

• Lightened mood with less emotional ups and downs – due to hormones and blood sugar being back in balance

• Less brain fog and improved mental clarity throughout the day

• Improved regularity and digestion, and less bloating

• Improved regularity and digestion, and less bloating

The Mama Natural Hair Rescue Program

Take Control of Your Hair Loss By Addressing the Root Cause…

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Price: $60

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